
quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2012

At the doctor

- Good morning, Ms. Fernanda!
- Good morning, doctor - she sit down with sick face.
- How do you feel today?
- Not so good, doctor. I have morning sickness and I have nauseas.
- Do you smoke?
- No, I don't.
- Do you drink?
- Only water and juice.
- Do you practice sports?
- It does a lot of time I don't.
- Do you feel depressed or anxious?
- Yes, I feel anxious sometimes.
- Do you have allergies?
- Yes, I am alergic to some medicines.
- Are you in a sexually relationship?
- Yes, I am.
- Are you using a method contraception?
- No, we haven't used anything.
- Well... don't worry, Ms. Fernanda. It's definitelly nothing. I think you're pregnant.

Fernanda Murça Greghi

2 comentários:

  1. Nossa que noticia....É ISSO MESMOS VOCêS ESTÃO GRAVIDOS? .....congrats....que essa criança seja abençoada e venha com muita saude ....

  2. Parabéns, cara! As coisas mudam, hein! rsrsrs
